Some things are very important but we can’t just remember the last time we did them. Your responses to the following questions will tell us more.
When last did you call home just to say hi?
When last did you give your seat to an elder in public?
When last did you pray for a friend who is not in crisis?
When last did you pray for Nigeria?
When last did you read a Newspaper?
When last did you read your sermon notes?
When last did you read the label of what you eat/drink?
When last did you read the cast of a movie?
When last did you actually mean it when you not invite people to come and eat?
When last did you wash your plates immediately after eating?
When last did you buy a birthday gift for someone?
When last did you say ‘thank you’ to a waiter/cashier/commercial motorcyclist?
When last did you read an entire chapter of the Bible?
When last did you read the user agreement before installing software or signing up on a website?
When last did you visit OAU website when you have nothing to do on e-portal?
When last did you blog?
If you answered positively to most of the above questions above, you are an excellent individual- worthy of emulation. But if your responses to most of the questions were negative, you have a nonchalant attitude. You need to turn a new leaf!
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